I started out bad in the second squad but I finished off very well. I bowled bad the first 3 games, figured it out in the 4th and bowled very well game 5and6. My body was a bit tired since I have also cold coming, and it was also hard to motivate myself to bowl again when I was pretty my safe to make the finals, so I kinda overdid my approach a bit and wasn't able to get a good hand on the ball. Better late than never, I figured it out after a while.
Hungry like never before we decided to go to the mall just 5mins from the bowl and eat at the food court but before I was "allowed" to go I had to open a gift from a friend. Not just any gift from any friend. It was one beautiful watch from one beautiful friend. Very thankful for having him in my life. And gosh I love the birthday gift. ♡
Greek food for dinner and then 2,5h sportpsycology. Now: TIRED!
tomorrow: finals!!