swedish league video!
Publicerat 2017-04-22 21:06:13 i
New video, go check it out!! :)
Ny video
Publicerat 2017-04-18 22:23:38 i
det pratas oerhört mycket om hur bra och viktigt det är med träning och sällan hur det är när det blir för mycket av det goda..
In och kika och dela gärna!
Känner du igen dig?
Publicerat 2017-04-10 22:04:58 i
Hey friends!
On this link below you will find my page where I will be posting videos (both in English and swedish) of what my life as a bowler is like. You will get to follow me to practice, on tournaments, work, travel days- you name it!
Please write a comment below if there is anything you would want me to do or talk about in a video. :)
Hej allihopa!
Nu har jag börjat med lite mer rörligt material och det kommer ni att finna på länken nedan. Ni kommer att få kika närmre på livet som bowlare, både på och utanför banan, inför och under tävling. Om det är något speciellt ni vill att jag delar med mig av så får ni hemskt gärna skriva en kommentar! :)
qualifying done
Publicerat 2016-05-24 04:05:32 i
i can finally breath again.
that was close but i have no words to describe how happy, excited and proud i am of myself for making this cut and to bowl with a good mindset and make good decisions with the help of the boys (Del, Hank and Jim). i am really looking forward to be going into matchplay tomorrow morning. fingers crossed please!
to get my mind off bowling for a little while we went shopping after lunch. new kicks and makeup, two of the best things i know. the third favourite store we just walked by.. cant go in there until i make some more money.. haha hopefully a visit later on this week ;)
its mostly bowling now. i dont do more than bowl at the moment. i bowl, i eat, i sleep, i bowl, i eat, i sleep.
im amazed that i can get up at 5.15am and not even be grumpy. other than that time difference sucks. its 7pm and im sooooo tired and ready to go to sleep. the others are sitting outside hanging out but my body just dont wanna move so im just gonna stay in my bed the rest of the evening to get ready for tomorrow.
gonna catch up on some shows.
ok, thats it for today.
wish me luck!
ten games
Publicerat 2016-05-23 03:12:48 i
laying down on my bed with a well deserved glass of wine in my hand. relaxing and just enjoying my company.
we have bowled 10games so far out of 15games of qualifying. im on B squad so i bowled my first 5 games on burn and shot +124 which i was very happy about. i stayed focused and made good shots throughout the whole time.
today was a different story though. we bowled on fresh and i didnt get comfortable enough to just bowl until the last game but im proud of myself for fighting through and finishing off on a good note with a +45. this means that im +169 for my ten games. we have on day left of qualiying, 5 more games tomorrow before the cut to top 64 including the defending champion.
short update but thats all for now.
watching xtraframe and waiting for chipotle for dinner. YUM
USBC Queens
Publicerat 2016-05-20 02:12:01 i
the link above will show our schedule for the next few days.
i am bowling on B squad while the other swedes are on A squad.
the results can be found at www.bowl.com/queens/
i have realized that i have a love-hate relationship with traveling. it absolutely sucks to leave home, to pack, to spend x many hours traveling but when you finally get to where youre going its absolutely amazing and i love every second of it. so worth it.
reunion with mamabear tonight too. eeeeeeeek
so excited.
sentimental sunday
Publicerat 2016-05-15 22:40:36 i
yep its that time of the week again.
i hate sundays. especially the sentimental ones. which is pretty much every sunday.
im exhausted both mentally and physically.
mentally cause i have so many feelings inside of me and im not sure how to handle them - im not used to this
im happy excited nervous curious confused sad and happy again all at the same time
physically cause i have had a lot of stuff going on lately and a lot that needs to be done in so little time
i feel everything so very deeply and i do everything one hundred percent
please dont get me wrong, i love everything that is going on in my life right now but im just trying to take it all in.
i just got home from spending the weekend with Team Sweden in Kinna. had a great time bowling, bonding, eating, learning and planning the next few weeks. although my schedule is already set its still good to make it even more obvious to what i should do and shouldnt do. it was our last get together before the actual trip.
only 3 weeks left before departure! crazy how time flies!
so today is sunday
tomorrow is monday so back to reality, i got work, laundry and preparing for next trip on my schedule
tuesday will be work and then off to helsingborg for a small celebration of our team gold we have been invited to, then straight home to pack.
wednesday is day one of my 12+14 days on the road.
now its bedtime.
Publicerat 2016-05-12 00:16:28 i
en hel del har hänt sen sist kan man väl säga.
1. jag skriver på svenska.
nej men på riktigt. jag kan inte med ord beskriva hur rent av jävla lycklig jag är just nu, efter ett sånt riktigt skit år. nu känner jag äntligen mig tillbaka.
om vi ska summera det hela:
- vunnit SM-Guld i 8manna lag med mina ljusblåa töser, Spader Dam.
- nytt jobb, har tagit farväl till kicks och säger hej till grannbyn Höganäs och Gruvtorgets Parfymeri.
- jag har sett Adele live i Köpenhamn, en dröm. 2h konstant gåshud och tårar i ögonen.
- jag har blivit uttagen till att spela Dam-EM i Wien senare i sommar, vilket innebär att jag är tillbaka i den blå/gula tröjan, på riktigt. YAAAAAAAY
- jag har erhållit ett stipendium för goda ledarkunskaper för mina ungdomar som jag coachar i bowling.
- och sen den där sista detaljen, som känns som en pusselbit som fallit på plats. det finns någon som har förgyllt mina dagar med massvis av glädje och kärlek på sistone.
och som om inte detta vore nog så ser mina kommande månader ut såhär:
- Las Vegas, USA för USBC Queens May 18-29
- Wien, Österrike för European Womens Championships Juni 7-19
- Houston, USA & Chicago, USA för Luci Doubles and US Open Juli 27-Aug 8
- 25år Augusti 19
gissa vem som är exalterad?!
ok så denna gången ska jag försöka ta med min dator på resorna, då det är väldigt mycket lättare att blogga på en dator än en liten telefon/ipad. ibland blir det på svenska, ibland på engelska, ibland inget av de och ibland båda. tid, ork och dagsform kommer att avgöra hahaha
nedanför så har ni en namn till mina sociala medier, missa inte att följa dessa!
32h jobb, 2 dagars landslagsläger lördag och söndag, och sist men inte minst: lite träning, packning och klotborrande.
nej nu jävlar ser jag fan stjärnor så trött jag är.
mucho love
o m g
alot has happened since i last updated on here.
first of all I finally got my laptop back.
just wow. the past month has been truly aaaaaaaaamazing.
no words in the world can describe how happy i am, after such a long terrible year with
alot of downfalls im finally feeling that im back on track.
so to sum it all up, since last time we talked i have;
- won the swedish championships in teams with my ladies in Spader Dam. read more about it here: http://www.swebowl.se/Bowlingimedia/Pressrelease1/Anunforgetableweekend/
- new job, i said goodbye to my colleagues at Kicks and you can from here on find me at Gruvtorgets Parfymeri i Höganäs.
- ive seen Adele live in Copenhagen, 2hours of goosebumps and teary eyes.
- ive been selected to the European Womens Championships, which means im officially back on Team Sweden - YAAAAAY
- ive recieve a scholarship for good leadership with youths for the south part of sweden, as I got for coaching my youth team in bowling.
- and there is one special person that is bringing so much love and happiness into my life right now, he is a big part to why these past few weeks has been over the top.
as if that was not enough. the next few months i have following plans;
- Las Vegas, USA for the USBC Queens May 18-29
- Vienna, Austria for the European Womens Championships June 7-19
- Houston, USA & Chicago, USA for Luci Doubles and US Open July 27-Aug 8
- 25th birthday on August 19
GUESS WHOS EXCITED?! me me me me me me me me me me
my plans is to actually bring my computer on my trips to be able to blog and maybe even make a few videos for you guys. I have also recieved a request to write in both swedish and english and I will try as much as possible but sometimes there is no time to translate it all so depending on my daily mood, i will write in swedish, english or both hahaha.
to not miss out on too much I suggest for you to follow me on
instagram: miniheffaa_
facebook: sandra lilltussen andersson
twitter: miniheffaa_
ok, so take off on wednesday. before im ready to leave i still have to work 32h, 2 day camp with Team Sweden in Kinna this weekend, workout, practice, drill bowlingballs and pack.
now its bed time
1 down, 9 to go.
Publicerat 2014-09-01 22:32:42 i
starting week number two in school. I missed out on two days last week but my teachers are very helpful and went through what I missed on Thursday today and friday will be tomorrow. today we played with shading, how to do shadings to shape your face the ideal way. Also how to make you look bigger and skinnier in the face. ended up doing the "perfect" way. A classic day make up. another fun day in school. time flies, 4h today felt like 5mins! before and after: the rest of the day was spent on the couch getting some well needed naps haha. Just a lazy day to get back on track after the weekend. now bedtime. tomorrow school & date night with my favorite girls ♡
team trials
Publicerat 2014-09-01 20:24:20 i
Monday evening and I just woke up from my second powernap this afternoon/evening. I am dead tired and my eyelids are living their own life. It's been a long, exhausting, tough but fun weekend. We started out Thursday with lunch before working out in the gym with one of the trainers from the famous swedish athletic school Bosön. He helped us and showed us some new routines. We had a great time and all of us did good and got some inspiration. After working out we drove to the hotel, checked- in and then off to the bowl for dinner and a practice session. dinner was so good after two hours in the gym and gave at least me a little more energy to finish off the day on the lanes. Peter Hellström joined us to talk about layouts and pindistance etc. interesting stuff and it's fun to be able to see the differences right there on the lanes. fell asleep like a baby this evening, luckily I also got to sleep in on Friday morning.There is no breakfast better than the ones served at hotels. I love it. What I didn't love this morning was the soreness in my body after Tuesdays and thursdays workout. holy, it was not fun. Not a great start to this marathon bowling weekend. We started at noon with our first block had a break for food and then our last block started in the afternoon. Each block of 6games took about 4,5h to bowl. We were 6on a pair and this was going to be my biggest worry this weekend. I just hate to wait and it is painful to wait too the longer we got into the competition. After the first block I kinda got into the rythm but that didn't take a way the pain though. It's been all about eating, sleeping and bowling this weekend. Saturday and Sunday was the same schedule. breakfast, 6games a 4,5h, lunch, 6games a 4,5h, dinner, shower, sleep. when the clock turned 6pm last night we finished our weekend of bowling. 36 games. 27 hours on the lanes. not a single blister on my hand but it was bigger than normal, all swollen. (I think this means I finally have found a good grip for me!) I ended up 4th of us girls, same points as the 3rd girl. I am very happy with how I bowled this weekend. I wasn't sure about my bowling before this weekend, since I wasn't too happy about how I bowled in thailand but now I am. I have two games, which were the first two of the weekend, that I am unhappy with how I executed my shots but other than that I'm very happy. I've been working hard this year to make myself a flexible bowler, of course I wanna be able to change hand position, make the moves but most importantly to be able to change speed and this is what I'm most happy about this weekend. I could go from 4steps to 5steps, a slower version and also increase speed in both approaches. I finally feel the hard work is starting to pay off. How awesome is that? overall I did a good performance, very consistent. It was not only the 8of us in team Sweden their. There was 28other girls fighting for two spots on the team. and guess who won the team trials? MY AUNT!!! so proud and happy for her. She did a great job and it's gonna be fun to have her on the team. also congrats to rebecka for winning our trials, representing Sweden in world cup this year, and nina for making it back on the team as the second girl. drive home was good and I got a good night's sleep.
day 3
Publicerat 2014-08-28 16:57:35 i
yesterday felt like one of the longest days of my life. When the alarm went off at 5am I just wanted to turn it off, roll over and fall back asleep. I felt sick cause I was so tired. no time to rest though. left bed, got ready and started my trip down to Malmoe for school. day 3 was about dying and shaping eyebrows and dying eyelashes. fun times! met up with josefine after school in helsingborg for lunch and then we took the train together back to Ängelholm. We sat down in the sun and had a cup of tea and talked for a bit. reality called after an hour, I was gonna coach the kids and then practice for a while. I was dead tired last night when I got back home. I fell asleep like a little baby. I got to sleep in this morning. But only until 8am. had to pack and get ready for a weekend with Team Sweden in Nässjö. 2,5h drive. 2h workout. now dinner and then 2h bowling. lucky me I get to sleep in tomorrow. can't wait. :)
Publicerat 2014-08-26 19:00:41 i
my alarm was set for 4.30am. It was my first day traveling to school and I wanted to make sure I had time to do everything. I woke up by myself and felt that something was wrong, checked my phone and yes. It was off. my phone somehow shut off in the middle of the night, my alarm did not go off but lucky me the clock was only 5am. I had 30mins to get ready. I got up showered, got dressed, made breakfast and packed up everything. must have broke some kind of a record for being me this morning. anyway I made it to the trainstation about 5min before my train was leaving. The train takes about 1,5h to get to school, which is fine cause I can study on the train. day two. or pretty much the first day cause we started playing with makeup today. It was all about colors, matching, blend into new colors etc. from eye shadows, to lipstick to foundations. find the right color. It was fun and challenging. also modeled for eachother which means I have officially done my first (half) makeup on another person. haha! it was a bit scary actually since we don't know eachother that well yet in the class. luckily it's a small class with only 5 girls so I'm sure we will get to know each other soon. tomorrow we are gonna work with eyebrows, shapes and color. when I got back home from school I got everything done for tomorrow and then sat down on my couch for a while. watched some TV and realized I've been up for sooo many hours and it's still only 3pm haha. good feeling actually. now I'm back on the couch after doing cardio. 4km, stop at every 0,5km for 10 squats and 10push ups -on toes. first time doing it and it was fun. felt a little awkward when there was people around me but I stopped caring after 1km :) got the inspiration from an old school mate. He did 5km and 25squats/25pushups every 0,5km. I Deffo have something to work for! now: shower, dinner and evening on the couch. :)
congrats Osku
Publicerat 2014-08-25 18:01:05 i
congrats to halfswede on your world tour /PBA title! http://www.swebowl.se/Nyheter/NyheterSwebowl/VarldstourenSandraklarforfinalspelet/
bye bkk
Publicerat 2014-08-25 16:46:24 i
so i changed both my plans and my flight. I decided to back home a day earlier than planned so I could make it to my first day of school. haha busy schedule for sure but there are so many great things going on at the moment. so yesterday I was in Bangkok already planning my next flight and my next trip. It is now official that I made the World Bowling Tour ranking finals in Vegas this year!! This will be my second espn TV show in my career. PRETTY AWESOME IF YOU ASK ME! haha. my goal the whole season was to make it back and I did! 3rd on the WBT ranking for 2013-2014. 1st is Kelly Kulick and 2nd is Liz Johnsson. another exciting thing was my first day of school today. Nervous day but one step closer to make my dream come true! name of the school is International Makeup Center, IMC in Malmö. so this blog is gonna be a bowling, traveling, workout and makeup blog. how awesome is that? haha but anyways. no time to rest. landed around 7am, school at 8.30am-10.30am, 1h travel time, 11.30-3.30pm shopping complements to my schoolwork/makeup bag, 3.30-4.30pm studying/fixing my makeup bag, 5pm bodypump class, 6pm dinner with josefine, 7pm - sleep? TIRED but let's gooooo!
Bangkok thailand
Publicerat 2014-08-23 18:26:28 i
Now I know. today when we had dinner on the 6th floor facing out towards the high buildings and busy traffic I realized how much I love/hate this city. There are so many memories that comes back to me every single time I'm here. It is by far the city I have the most emotions connected to. One of the happiest moments in life took place here 3 years ago. Two years ago I was devastated going back here cause the reason of happiness were now a heartbreaking situation. luckily this year I made a friendship that was gonna mean alot to me. a bright moment in this tough trip. last year I didn't even go back. I was not even planning on going this year. It's not that I don't like it here but I just can't handle being alone here. today is a good day though. I gave it my all on the lanes and it was not enough. I can't think of anything else I should have done. I just wasn't ready yet, I couldn't get a good look here and that's OK. why? cause this city brought me some good in the bad. I will explain more tomorrow. another reason why it's a good day is cause I have this amazing app called skype. still smiling after my last call on there a while ago. so bangkok. I hate you for all the memories you bring back to me and I fucking love you for the memories you bring back to me. and to J, my long lost friend. dont know if you will ever read this but i want you to know that I miss you. I hope you are doing good wherever you are. It's been over a year now. Thinking about you always but today brought back happy memories where we challenged each other eating brownies, making videos and listening to music in the bowl. ♡ sentimental Saturday. going down to the lobby to enjoy a glass of wine and celebrate the good times and the bad times and everything in between.
Publicerat 2014-08-22 18:55:23 i
Not even here not even this trip. I almost forgot how much I hate the feeling of being homesick. baah today reminded me. I thought I had a good day until I got more tired at the bowl, didn't get the squad I planned on bowling and when I finally got to bowl I messed it up twice and that cost me big time. I know that I am so close of overcoming my fear. my fear of being good enough. and that is what is making me so frustrated. I'm finally bowling good. I execute my shots very good even in a bowling center i don't like. that's not very common. I felt confident in executing my shots but somehow I'm still able to mess it up. god damn it Sandra. I'm gonna bowl my heart out tomorrow. I'm done with doubting myself. I need two good blocks. come on!
Thursday in thailand
Publicerat 2014-08-21 18:30:37 i
Finally a block that felt OK. +50 but still too many splits. I am one step closer to finding the high scores though. bowled 190 240 190. I'm looking forward to tomorrow. I need two high blocks. my asylum and hyroad pearl did alright today. Other than bowling today me and kim went to hard rock, of course, for dinner. Two nights in a row with Korean bbq was enough so had to try something "new". ribs and brownie. yum! This girl needs to go back at the gym when I get back home. haha to much delicious food lately. oh well. We also went to the night market for a short stroll. found these beautiful pictures that I wish I could buy but unfortunately I don't know how to get them back in one piece. so sad. maybe I can figure it out. Also got asked like 20times if I wanted to go on a ping pong show, but they didn't ask Kim. I guess he looks local and I look like a lesbian 😂 hahaha but I Deffo wanna go before going home. see if I can get someone to go with. craziest thing EVER! bowling again tomorrow in the afternoon. hope to score two good blocks! fingers crossed. I wanna get in the cut!
Publicerat 2014-08-21 10:03:22 i
Publicerat 2014-08-20 11:11:48 i
my birthday was better than I dared to hope. alot better. It is overwhelming to read all the posts on Facebook, instagram, messages and phone calls. I am blessed to have such amazing friends all over the world. Thank you all so much for taking time out of your day to wish me a happy birthday. I have read each and every little post. I recieved gifts, cakes and a beautiful birthday song. also a big thank you to Kim Bolleby for making the day even better. dinner at a Korean bbq place and then drinks at hard rock cafe! I had a blast. :) not feeling too awesome today though. haha jetlagged, a little hungover. not bowling today just watching and learning. goal is to stay awake all day. wish me luck!
birthday girl
Publicerat 2014-08-19 13:23:45 i