Worlds smallest bowling center

First time I bowled league in 2014 and it happened to be in Hyltebruk in this center: 

I'm sitting in the corner taking the photo, this is all the space behind the lanes. 

And we fu*king lost. I was not too happy about this. Like it wasn't enough that it took us twice as long to bowl, we didnt even get a point with us from there. 
Luckily we bowled two matches today and we bowled better the second match. A little slow in the start but turned out pretty good! 

Left home at 7.50am and came back home at 7.45pm. All for 8games of bowling. Does that mean I really love bowling? Cause I do. 
And Im going back to the bowl for league again tomorrow morning at 10am, wanna know something? I can't wait! finally get to bowl with the best team again!! Miss my girls. 

One great thing about today was to get home at 7.45pm, talked with a friend and found out he's coming to visit and staying for the night just to hang out for a bit. We live about two hours apart and don't get to spend that many days outside of a bowling center together. Amazing. such a great way to spend the evening. <3 

Bed time. 
Game day tomorrow! 


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This is me. Sandra Andersson. In this blog you get to follow me on my adventures all around the world for bowling.

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