Olympia Ladies Open

My body and heart was aching when the alarm went off at 7.30am after only 3h of sleeping. Nothing to do other than leave bed and go get done. Mom picked me up at 8am and the finals started at 9am. 
14players bowled 6games of qualifying. Top6 made it to round robin. I was 5th after the first 6games. Round Robin was 5games with bonus 20-10-0 (win 20, tie 10, loose 0). I won all but one match, and that match I lost by only two pins - so I bowled good, or at least I scored good. Top3 made stepladder. I was second seeded after round robin. And if my body and heart ached earlier today it was nothing compared to now, and we should not even start talking about my hand! Haha 

The semifinals I bowled against Åsa Larsson who was 3rd. I bowled ok and hit the pocket the whole time but couldn't get the 10pin out, 4-5 10pins in a row and lost 204-186. Ended up 3rd in the tournament I was gonna miss out on. Not bad. :) 

And this post is a little late cause I was exhausted when I got back home. Superdupertired. I just woke up from sleeping 22h out of the last 24h. Must be a new record. And I had to force myself out of bed. 
Well done Sandra. 

Nothing fancy is gonna happen today, gonna eat breakfast and then walk down to the bowl to watch my team in house league bowl. Thank you Amanda for bowling with us tonight, replacing me. So good to have a day or two off bowling now. :) 


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This is me. Sandra Andersson. In this blog you get to follow me on my adventures all around the world for bowling.

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