Hola chicos & chicas

Woke up around 9, showered, got dressed and ate breakfast while multitasking - watched tv and searched for flights for my trip to Bratislava/Vienna. 

Worked for a few hours, helped Josefine with practice, did some laundry, booked the flight for Vienna. 

Days are just flying by. It's already the middle of September. Feels like I came back home from Vegas last night when it really is 9days ago. What did I do those 9days?! 

Leaving the country in 9days. 
And in those 9days this is gonna happen: 
*work Wednesday-friday, mon-Wednesday. 
*physical therapist-appointments
*reunion with my favorites this weekend 
*get my new bowling shirts

interesting huh? can't wait for Saturdays night out with my favorites. it's been way too long since last time. 

I'm gonna spend the evening with my nephew, Josefine and Rasmus. Pizza and movies!! Kiddo is showing us his new room :)


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This is me. Sandra Andersson. In this blog you get to follow me on my adventures all around the world for bowling.

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