Full House
Nice win, boys! We did good today as a team. :)
Match was done around 4pm, didn't really have a plan for the day - roomie was working (in the bowl) so there was no one at home. Ended up sitting there until 11pm when she was done working. Haha! Ate dinner together and then one friend of mine came to the bowl to say hi, former bowler and I haven't seen him for such a long time and it was so good to finally see him again. My cheeks are hurting from laughing so much today!
Been home for 1,5h just chatting a little with Josefine, packed my stuff for tomorrow and got ready for bed. Watching some tv before sleeping. Alarm will go off at 8.30am, gonna go to Helsingborg to watch some bowling - my brothers team are bowling, and around noon it's my teams turn to bowl.
Fingers crossed for us, tough match in the first match. X-calibur. Come watch us: 12.20pm at Olympia bowling in Helsingborg. See you there!