Yikes! What a weekend. Friday was bowling and drinks with some friends, small tournament for trios teams. Lots of fun, ended up second.
We stayed at Josefine's dad and his girlfriends house. Got to bed at 2am and woke up at 10am to the best breakfast in a while, it was like staying at a hotel haha!
We showered and got ready for the day, Josefine's mom was gonna pick us up at 1pm. Ate a delicious dinner at here place, played some games, had some drinks. A friend drove us back home around 6.30. Turned on party-mode. Had some friends over at 7.30, decided to go bowl and meet up the others at the bowl. The night continued with us singing, dancing, drinking, laughing and really having a great evening. So thankful for having such amazing friends!
Sunday was a day that went by too fast. I was pretty much sleeping all day, recovering from an amazing weekend. So worth it. Haha!
Monday: been working since 12, got off at 9.30pm after practice. Now having a small snack while watching some tv with my roomie. Ridiculousness on MTV is the best, YouTube it if you've never seen it. A way to laugh yourself to abs of steel hahaha!
Tomorrow: gym in the morning, packing up the last stuff. or to be honest, start packing, haha! (Surprise huh?) leaving at 2.45. CAN'T WAIT!
Next stop: Kuwait!