Today I'm doing what you won't,
so tomorrow I can do what you can't.
my day didn't really go by plan. it turned out much better. texted with my mom this morning and decided to go to a new place today for lunch, called the pancake-barn. me, mom, dad and kiddo went there.
heaven on earth if you ask me.
16different types of pancakes on a buffet. yes I tried all of them.
oh, our two dogs were also with us. they have a dogs-menu at this place, pancake with bacon. so sweet!
they also had a playground so kiddo got to play for a while.
when I got back home I was exhausted. probably some kind of food coma since I couldn't stop eating. I love pancakes.
I laid down on my bed for a while, watched two episodes of GG (yes I'm addicted) before getting my butt out in the sun for some workout.
8km powerwalk/jog and went straight to the bowl for an hours practice.
hurried back home to get home in time for a movie to start at 9.30pm and made myself dinner - hamburger, scrambled egg, terriyaki cooked broccoli and some apple pieces. YUM
My body is happy, tummy is happy, my legs are not that happy though. still sore from the workout two days ago. Haha but they will be. No worries.
Tomorrow is a day I'm looking forward to. I get to see Frida again! We are doing a traditional day tomorrow, like the good old days. Breakfast at her grandma's, going to the beach if the weather is good, eat at our favorite place in her city and ending the night with some drinks and going out in Helsingborg. I can't wait.
Better go to sleep soon so tomorrow gets here faster!
Some pics from today
The before and after, left pic is from 4w back and right pic is today. I cheated but I still did something right. I can see a slight difference!