Good evening lovers!
Yeeeeezzzz my legs are sore today. It's was not that bad this morning but it got worse. Hehe
The day started out pretty slow, I was looking at one apartment this morning and after that I went back to my apartment for some breakfast and to watch some episodes of GG. Around 2 I met Zacke for a late lunch in the sun, haven't seen him for such a long time so a lot to update each other on. We decided to go to Båstad after lunch for some ice cream. This week is a famous week for Båstad, the big Tennis tournament Swedish Open is held now. Which means people from all around Sweden goes there pretty much to just party for a week or two. The city is a coast city and you can only imagine about the boats and the cars they go there with to impress people. It's so much fun to just be there and to watch people.
We had ice cream on the beach after walking around in the small harbor. Spent a few hours there before going back home.
and when we got back home we though a powerwalk in the evening sun would do just fine. 1,2swedish miles. My legs hurts a lil more right now. But I hope it's gonna help a little for tomorrow. Fingers crossed!
On tomorrow schedule:
Powerwalk at lunch
Enjoy a Friday evening. But how?