day filled with bowling

like I said, I started the day with a morning walk with Amanda. a little over an hour and a total of 6,5-7km. had some breakfast before getting my ass off the couch to go meet Joline in the bowl for some practice. First session was not so good, didn't take the time I needed to listen to my body. Took a quick break, for some lunch, and then back on the lanes for session number two with Robert, Jesper and Martin - 3of the guys that will represent Sweden at worlds this month. We bowled on 4different patterns today: Stockholm, Los Angeles, Atlanta and Montreal. Second session was way better. I took my time! We bowled doubles team and me and Martin won. :)
So practice from 11-13 and them 14-16. Grreeeaaaat!

After dinners hurried back home to shower and get ready to be at my parents house for dinner.
Ate lobster, shrimps and crab :)

But it's late now and I can't keep my eyes open. Ttyl


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This is me. Sandra Andersson. In this blog you get to follow me on my adventures all around the world for bowling.

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