oh crappy day

today is just a crappy day. woke up without motivation. cried my eyes out when I realized I had to find someone else to take care of my lovely tiger. she has too much energy for being indoors all the time and I dont have a choice since I live in an aparment. might have a solution on it. but still. its heartbreaking.

I guess after so many days of happiness there had to be a bad day.

its not totally ruined.
I went to the gym even though I felt shitty and wasnt motivated. tuesday is grit strenght. "the only bad workout is the one you didnt do".

also threw a few shots with my new bowlingballs and they feel awesome. bowling house league in a few hours. hope to get this day back on track then.

and yea I kinda find a little motivation when I came out of the shower and saw myself in the mirror


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This is me. Sandra Andersson. In this blog you get to follow me on my adventures all around the world for bowling.

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